Almost 5 months to the day since we left Canada, I find myself waiting at the Wellington International Airport flying home to Canadian soil. I am glad to report that the reason for a trip home so soon after arriving is happy one. My brother is taking a wife.
With a ceremonious NZ sheep packed in my suitcase (people still give livestock as wedding gifts right?), I sit through my first flight delay, having not even left the ground yet. The first of many long hours of traveling today. Saving my book for the long flight ahead I have found myself reflecting on my thoughts and feelings on the concept of home.
I realized this morning over a 6am airport cappuccino that "home" for me is now at both at both ends of this journey. Not to say that I am now a kiwi,(though I've started saying things like "cruisy" and "flash" and have become increasingly comfortable at operating on the left side of the road) but I will return to new Zealand with a new sense of belonging; a home, my family, a job, and trusty NZ visa that will allow me to breeze through immigration.
Still, returning to Canadian soil, no matter where you have been or how long you have been away, will always feel good. Being away makes you realize just how Canadian you are, and how special and wonderful Canada is, often in ways you would never guess. Part of that is relishing in the love and company of the family and friends you have missed while you have been away, and appreciating the real life experience of seeing people without having to use the wonder of Skype.
I am loving my New Zealand experience. But I cant wait to see those people who make Canada home.
Get the inflight drinks ready.
I am homeward bound.
Good post Heather. I'm happy to hear you're on your way home. Looking forward to the wedding!